Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My New Adventure

For the past few months I've been hinting toward a new journey in life. So as not to upset a certain someone, you know who you are - Mother - I kept it under wraps until the decision was firm. The Lord led us to homeschool my kiddos. A definite adventure to say the least. For a teacher you'd think that this would come easily. However, concerns mounted left and right. What curriculum do I use? How long should we have school? What will I do with Chops while I'm teaching Monkey? How are we going to do this financially?

Well, the first day of school has come and gone. School started Monday. Monkey seems to be loving it. I'm enjoying it too. For right now things have fallen into place. The curriculum I'm using now will probably not be the same next year, but for Kindergarten it's good enough until I'm more familiar with homeschooling curricula. Chops sits and colors and does school with his older brother. He wants to be involved. Monkey is eager to do his Bible learning, math, reading, and science. I have even been touched by the history lessons about the sacrifices of a missionary woman whose desire was to serve the Lord by serving others in China - a woman who heard the Lord in her heart urging her to do things that didn't seem doable to others.

Today, because of my new shopping hobby, (couponing) I had to go to the grocery store to take part in the double dollar coupon Wednesday at our local grocery store. (brief aside - bought $75 worth of groceries for $28.74 with tax - hooray!) I changed up our school schedule to take the kids to the store early, came home, made lunch, put Chops down for his nap and had school with Monkey. It worked beautifully! Flexibility! Learning! Real life lessons! I think I could get used to this new adventure!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Aahhh, yes... FLEXIBILITY. It's a beautiful thing :)

So glad it's going well. I know the Lord will bless you (and your family) in this venture! Enjoy each day and take it as it comes. Some will go smoothly; others, not so much. But your babes *will* learn, and they'll learn well. They'll flourish under your leadership, and they'll thrive in your home... to God be the glory~

Love to you all,