Monday, March 22, 2010

1000 Gifts: Another Monday of Blessings

 You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace;
 the mountains and hills will burst into song before you,
 and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. 
Isaiah 55:12

0277.  adventures to the zoo, the botanical gardens, and Chick-fil-A with GrammaHio last week

0278.  clean windows to let in the light of spring (thanks mom!)

0279.  Bunco - a game with friends to chat, laugh, and enjoy each other

0280.  free ice cream for wearing our pajamas from our favorite ice cream place

0281.  spring finally on its way - bringing flowers up from their hiding places and trees to bloom

0282.  a friend stopping by with a homemade pick me up made by her hands to decorate my house

0283.  a Saturday mantown adventure - a dad with his boys on a hike in the woods to give mom a few minutes of peace to clean

0284.  Sunday afternoon naps

0285. a plan for a much needed haircut

0286.  the first day of spring = family haircut day for the men in my life

0287.  78 degree temps in March signaling that summer days are not too far away.

For these and so many more I lift my voice to heaven in praise to my Father who gives all good things.



Nancy @ 75 and Sunny said...

Love the beautiful Crocuses! That's just like God - to provide just what we need, just when we need it. Praising God with you today!

(from the mother of a Gretchen...)

Stef said...

flowers up from the hiding places - amazing! Isn't God so cool?!!?

Heather said...

Aaah, those summer cuts... C & N just shaved their heads this past weekend, razor-style. Smooth as a baby's tush for a day or two; now just stubble. Gotta love it :)

Hope you're feeling well... hope the ice cream was as good as ever-- wow, I miss that stuff! Give the men-folk a squeeze for me... much love, me

amy said...

i would have to agree with every single one! glad to see you joyful, my friend!