Monday, February 28, 2011

1000 gifts: A post under the wire

My 1000 gifts posting usually happens on Monday mornings... it's a Monday "thing"... at Holy Experience  - Multitudes on Mondays... something to start the work week off right... giving thanks for the everyday.  It's a taking time to breathe in all of the things missed so often because they are, well, regular.  I was going to let today slip by... not post... just let it pass... but after reading Chapter 4 of One Thousand Gifts  I could not let it go.  

My focus has changed... after a hurried day, I slow, read, drink in the words penned with ink.  Realize that to have more time I need to slow down.  That in my hurry I don't make more time, but lose it.  Ironic. That in my rushing through my days... wishing to be one more step ahead... time steals away. Life slipping with it.  

But stopping to give thanks... for the everyday seems to halt it.  Causing the time to slow.  Appreciating the things that so often go unnoticed...

And so I continue my counting of blessings... 

711. warm gingerbread cake fresh from the oven

712.  Chopsy climbing into my lap for Family Bible Time

713.  Hearing "I love you, Mom." and it's lasting ring in my ears

714.  the sounds of singing by Monkeyman... "Whatever you do.... do it for the Lord."

715.  windy spring days at the park

716. boy strangers sharing toys for adventuring

717.  quiet evenings for book reading

718.  a gentle rain

719. shortened locks - all for the sake of time

720-722.  a crying babe in arms... getting dinner on the table... and my 6 year old to set the table for me because my hands are full

723. a warm meal - filling and satisfying the pangs of hunger

724.  wanting chickens for pets

725.  garden planning

726-727.  soap suds and the fresh scent of lemon verbena to wash away the day's tasks

728.  a shared smile

729.  the words reminding me to slow down, the only way to share in the eucharisteo... give thanks... and then the blessings.

Please join us in the sharing, remembering, and counting of One Thousand Gifts.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Slow down, slow down, slow down.... I think I need to post that on every doorframe in my house :) Thanks for the reminder, dear friend! Love you guys~