Monday, February 7, 2011

1000 Gifts: A Peek at Spring

Just last time I posted my counting of countless blessings I entitled the post In the Bleak Midwinter.  The Lord knew I needed a peak at spring.  So last week on Tuesday after I posted Monday He generously gave me a taste of the spring to come.

Continually counting the blessings....
671. - 690.

~ 54 degree days on the first of February

~stealing away to a park and away from school for a bit

~ homeschool mommy socialization time

~delicate blooms poking through dormancy

~belly laughs of infancy

~a 6 year old reader

~"Mom will you sit with me?"

~"Mom, how come they love me so much?" - said by a 4 year old of friends

~the calming of praise the KING when worries creep in

~Words so true:  We will remember by Tommy Walker 

~hot cocoa

~ boy faces

~ quiet time alone with the Lord while boys play in the background

~library books

~ birthday parties

~ encouragement

~ a regular call from my sister just to chat

~ a book donated so that I may become more acquainted with GRACE

~the blog originally beginning the journey of 1000 Gifts

~ enjoying the community of those who are counting their graces with me

there are so many more than 1000... won't you join the counting?


Heather said...

Ah, the crocus... the harbinger of spring. How I love them so!! Unfortunately, none have poked their stubborn little heads up through the dirt just yet (and quite frankly, I don't blame them!), but I know they're on their way!

Hope you guys have a super week! A head-cold descended my way today-- oh, how I'm ready for spring!!

amy said...

great things, my friend. i love the 4yr old question. =)