Wednesday, December 3, 2008

December 2nd

Okay - so December 2nd is actually posted on the third. Sorry - we got behind. On the second the boys opened the door and found a shepherd. Among the poorest of society at the time, they had an undesirable job... keeping sheep. How appropriate that the Good Shepherd would be announced by heavenly hosts to these poor of society. Jesus came for lowly people - not very high on the status ladder. He came for those who may have been forgotten or looked down upon by the elite. They were among the first to hear the Good News directly from the voice of a heavenly chorus. What an amazing sight that must have been. Imagine, minding your own business in a field with the sheep, away from city lights. Suddenly a light so bright that you have no other choice but to shield your eyes appears. You receive news from the Almighty that His Son has been born this night to save the world. What JOY!

John 10:11
I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd gives His life for the sheep.

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