Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Really Behind

Okay - so I am REALLY behind in my blogging.  Golly, over a month ago we went on a Colonial field trip and have you even seen one photo or story documenting the enormous fun that we had?  No.  Life just has a way of consuming me.  It's funny that way.  I go crazy thinking of all of the things that need to be done in just one day.  Meanwhile, as my days pass into weeks, and months, and seasons, and years my house still needs cleaning, my boys need chasing after, school work needs to be completed, and dinners need to be made.  Where does the time go?  Like sands through the hour glass.... for any of you watcher of soap operas - you know the rest... but who has time to sit and watch tv?   I'd much rather spend my time catching up on my blog.  Hee hee.

So to catch you all up on our field trip pictures from last month - here they are... for the world to see.  We really had a fun time.  I've lived in this state for 13 years now and had never actually done this trip.  Crazy, I know.  I just did the shopping part.  I guess shopping really doesn't count as field trip for a Kindergartener - unless you're trying to teach them the value of a dollar.  We were even able to get a full family photo in - that only happens once in a lifetime - since I'm usually the one on the other side of the camera-  thanks to that kind lady who allowed us all to get into the picture --- I really did attend.














Heather said...

One of my favorite places & some of my favorite people-- perhaps next time we can rendez-vous there and explore together :)

Or you and I can hide in a coffee shop and chat while the men chase the littles down Duke of Glouster Street!

Either way works for me~

amy said...

can i just say that i loved the organized "kitchen"?!? that's insane of me, i know. just thought i'd point it out!