Monday, October 25, 2010

1000 Gifts: Abundance of Blessings

 The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.
-- Henry Ward Beecher

542.  Late night feedings in the quiet of the house - opportunities to think, pray, reflect, and give thanks!

543.  Meals from friends

544.  A mountain of laundry to fold

545.  Nursing my boy to sleep 

546.  Crooked baby smiles

547. Monkey receiving his very first Bible in church - the right of passage for a first grader.

548.  Our church family providing God's Word to children - living and active
549.  the same boy waking up Monday morning to have some quiet time with Jesus.

550.  Brothers loving on the newest one - hugs that may be too tight... and wanting to hold and see him all the time... love just the same.

551.  A joyful reunion with those who have prayed together, shared Scripture, and wielded weapons of warfare 

552.  My incredible husband... taking on so much more - trying to get so much accomplished with so little sleep.

553.  Wonderful, thoughtful gifts from friends...for the newest kidlet and for me... to bless us.

554. Ghiradelli chocolate bars - for those times when you just can't cope anymore... I think I may eat two entire bars now!  Thanks Heather for helping me keep my sanity !!!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Has it REALLY been four years???? 
Four years... You have turned into my
wreckless abandon, sweet spirited, no holds barred, smart, smiling
full of life - sunshine.
You make me laugh constantly... always keeping momma on the go.
There is never a dull moment when you're around.
You are a stranger to no one... so easy to make friends.
Such a love for Jesus.
We are so blessed to call you son! 
We love you-

Happy Birthday, Chops!!!!!
We are so proud of you.

1000 Gifts: Welcoming New Life

Psalm 139: 14-18

 For you created my inmost being;
       you knit me together in my mother's womb.
 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
       your works are wonderful,
       I know that full well.
  My frame was not hidden from you
       when I was made in the secret place.
       When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
  your eyes saw my unformed body.
       All the days ordained for me
       were written in your book
       before one of them came to be.
  How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
       How vast is the sum of them!
  Were I to count them,
       they would outnumber the grains of sand.   

531. The pains of labor growing stronger - new life on the way.

532.  A trip to a mountain park - to walk, to climb, to wear boys out

533.  A gramma to come and care for soon-to-be big brothers late on a Saturday evening.

534.  A friend showing up at the hospital right behind us to encourage me through the necessary pain of labor

535.  Our child's desire to enter the world in a hurry!
536.  A healthy boy - brand new pink skin, open eyes, a sweet face - a new name

537.  Late night visits at the hospital from family and friends who rushed in to see God's most recent blessing

538.  God's humbling blessing of provision - meals and visits from friends showering His love on us

539.  Coming home
540.   Love from brothers eager to see their new sibling 

541.  Family - once four members, now five  - God's surprises never ending.

For these and so many other blessings, I give thanks!

Monday, October 4, 2010

1000 gifts: Countless blessings

A new month to celebrate more gifts... gifts given so freely by my Creator 

516. Cooler fall temperatures.

517.  God's hand of protection over our house during wind, rain, and tornado warnings.

518.  Dinner brought by a friend - to help out a momma tired from a long day.

519.  Dinner with the girls - laughter hard enough to put me in to labor... almost.

520. Much needed appointments on a Sunday morning - first in Bible study, then again in service...God drawing me nearer to Him.

521.  Conviction by the Holy Spirit 

522. Hearing God's voice

523. A beautiful Saturday - perfect for cleaning the house and a mantown adventure hike in the woods.

524.  A homeschool mom who stopped over with her crew and a dissected frog to show my boys - how cool!

525.  A Sunday afternoon nap on a cold and rainy day.

526.  Baked oatmeal

527.  Crockpot meals made in the morning... ready to eat in the evening.

528. Earning a black belt - a long awaited goal - now accomplished!

529. A new sport to try - and a coach and teammates who love Jesus - the most important thing!

530. HOPE! 

For these and so many more... I give thanks.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Battle of Brokenness

Here I sit... quiet in the house... boys gone with their daddy to a church meeting, where I would normally be, except for the fact that my tummy is swollen with a little one inside... momma needed rest.

The past few weeks I have been in battle.  Fighting tooth and nail with brokenness.  Sometimes almost to the point of exhaustion - broken in my relationships, broken in my strength, broken in my struggles.  Just broken.  

And this broken work has pushed against the goads in my brokenness.  Unraveling with angry words to my boys when they have done something that bothers me.  Snapping at my husband for something simple left undone.  Accepting guilt that is not mine to take, but that which the enemy gives all too willingly.  

BUT in the quiet of a moment with God in the morning... a whispered prayer for the Lord to be with me... knowing He is... feeling His presence in His WORD... because the WORD became flesh and dwelt among us... with the quality of being living and active - I am still.  Still enough to hear the gentle loving words of affirmation - you are broken. 

In the quiet I allow the flood of reality wash over me.  I was born broken because of sin.  Even with a supernatural heart change, I still live broken.  Broken in a broken world.  And what's most frustrating to this broken vessel - is striving to be like Jesus ... perfection - who once came unbroken - but became broken for me.  He experienced the true battle of brokenness - God-Man perfection living and loving among broken people in a broken world. 

He takes this broken vessel and continually reshapes it in His hands - reforms me for His use.  And the use of this broken vessel reshaped time and again - is for whatever would bring Him glory.   For He didn't come to make perfect - He came to forgive.  In that forgiveness I am made blameless, spotless, without reproach before my Creator!  

So the battle continues... to strive to be more like Jesus - but with the reminder that I won't ever be unbroken here.  I will always be among broken people this side of heaven - living in a world filled with brokenness... but more importantly - I stand forgiven!  And because of this gift... I can forgive others in the same broken state... and forgive myself for my brokenness.