Last weekend we drove up to the mountains to visit Jeremy's granddad. What a gorgeous ride home we had. The ride up was dark and rainy after we got going - so we didn't see anything, but the ride was definitely challenging. After we got going Chops finally fell asleep about 40 minutes into the ride after not having a nap all day. Jeremy and I looked forward to a bit of quiet and making some time on the road. Monkey fell asleep too. All was quiet until Chops woke up soaking wet through his diaper. He started screaming from being awakened by wet. He soaked through his diaper, his clothes, and into the seat. By this time it had become quite cooler outside so his teeth were chattering while I was trying to change him out of the mess that had been made. Chopsy's screaming awakened Monkey who was not too happy about being roused out of sleep. Needless to say, the ride was anything BUT quiet after that.
The weekend was fun even though it rained most of the day Saturday. The boys had a chance to get outside, even in the rain, to get some fresh air and exercise. We looked at leaves, and the boys found a little bridge to occupy their time for a little while. Chops even fell into the ditch that the bridge crossed over... thankfully, the water level has been low this year which meant Chopsy stayed dry.
It was great to see Granddad, Mom's sister and brother. Jeremy's brother, Daniel, and even Nathan showed up. Nathan had a marathon that he was running with his new father-in-law and drove 2 hours just to come see us for a few hours before heading back to get some sleep before having to be up at 4 am to sign in to run 26.2 miles. What's up with that?
All in all the boys had great fun. After going to church on Sunday morning, we all had Sunday dinner, took another quick walk outside to enjoy the beautiful day, and then packed up the car and headed home.
The ride home was much more quiet. Ahhh! Sleeping boys.
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