Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jesus with Skin on

Today was another challenging day... I'm wondering if we are just in a challenging season right now. I awoke early to have a practice ride into work on my bike to see how long it would take. When I returned home an hour later I had the beginnings of a headache. Unfortunately, it grew into a "send me to bed for the remainder of the day" event. I was able to shower and get breakfast into my kids before Jeremy left for work. I laid low while the boys played and antagonized each other. Every time I had to get up from my reclined position my head pounded all the more. I finally relented and turned the tv on for an hour or so of mindless watching until Jeremy could come home, feed them lunch, and put them down for a nap. I was back in bed by 12:30 praying for the pain to subside.

Even though the morning was ugly God was in it. Listen to what He did through a very special person... my husband is very busy at work right now trying to finish deadlines and projects. He didn't have the luxury of dropping his day to come home and care for our kids. He called his mom. She came in while the boys were sleeping. When they woke up she played with them, gave them snacks, read to them, AND brought over dinner so that I wouldn't have to worry about feeding my family in my condition. What's even more amazing is that she wasn't working today. She works at a botanical garden. Because the college kids are going back to school all hands were supposed to be working. They called her out of the blue today and told her to take a day off, that they wouldn't need her. Instead she came over and took care of me by taking care of my boys. This is NO SMALL THING to me. It was huge! What a blessing she is to me. She is definitely Jesus with skin on. Thanks mom. I am blessed to have you in my life.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Moms are the best... you truly are blessed with two wonderful ones!

Hope you're feeling *much* better! Love you, me